Talon Roberts

Talon (she/her) has been a student of yoga since 2012 when stepped on her mat at a small Bikram studio in Greeley, CO. Her first class was a shock to the system when she showed up in sweats while others wore swimsuits. A year later, she walked back in with more confidence and Hot Yoga quickly captured her heart. Yoga is where Talon can meet herself fully and address what arises in every asana. She uses yoga to connect with herself and her surroundings.

Talon completed her 200 Hour teacher training through CorePower Yoga and began teaching Hot and Hot Power Fusion formats in late 2016. Since then, she has completed trainings in Vinyasa, Yoga Sculpt, and Yin formats as well. She is currently working towards her 500 Hour certification and is consistently seeking growth both as a student and a teacher of this practice.

Talon’s teaching is as unique as her name. She moves slowly through each flow to support deeper breath work, better alignment, and further exploration of yourselves in each shape. No class is ever the same because she teaches to the students in the room and the energy you invite into the experience with her.

Talon is a third generation Colorado native and loves to explore all that our mountains have to offer except for skiing, which she traded in for Hot Yoga sessions. She works in the IT world and often operates at a much quicker pace than her teaching. Talon is a dog mom for the first time in her life and enjoys ecstatic dancing as a way to escape her many responsibilities.